The simple, fun, exciting, easy, stressful, strange and anything else that comes with settling into and knowing new places !


People still write letters?

I haven't seen a hand written letter from a friend or family since I was in high school. But like I mentioned before, we have all sorts of people in the family and one of them is my moms brother in-law. He does not believe in technology or the phone or email or anything other than old fashioned letter writing.

He's the kind of person who will go to a bank and wait until the teller is free so that he can review his transactions and write them down by hand. Now while this process can take him hours, he has no problems with it. It's now come to a point when any of us speak to my aunt or cousin, no one can be bothered to update him and I guess everyone has just given up the idea.

So today randomly, I saw the first hand written letter, written in very proper bengali and something I could barely read so mom had the honor of reading it to me. She is actually the one who called me to tell me a funny story..... I mean the man has excellent hand writing and does not waste any space on the paper and with such small writing, its almost like an old manuscript. So over tea today we had a good laugh about it while it was explained to me why he is still writing letters.

The best part is the fact that he tells my mom how its been so long since she has had any contact with his family and she should really write and let everyone know whats going on! The fact is she speaks to her sister almost every week so go figure...... I just found it very strange that people are still writing letters and even better is the fact that he complains about no one taking the time to reply. I mean you can't really blame anyone since everyone calls the minute they receive these letters, but I guess phone calls are still a little too futuristic for him :). I think even the mail man was surprised and maybe that's the reason express mail took 15 days to get to us :).

Oh well whats next? I'm waiting to see if we graduate to receiving a telegram next! I tell you I'm starting to discover so many new characters, its overwhelming!

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